Our competencies and services in current requirements
Just like you, we are constantly facing new challenges. In our projects, we find new solutions for our clients and their success. And in doing so, we use creativity and innovation to improve our services and deepen our industry expertise for you.
Project Story: Organize, Modernize And Digitalize Controlling Processes
HANSE Consulting creates efficient controlling processes and frees up resources The initial situation The esteemed…
Increased interest rate level threatens earnings opportunities of property developers
Sensitivity analysis quantifies risks Increased interest rates threaten earnings opportunities in the real estate industry,…
What is the biggest benefit at HANSE Consulting?
HANSE interview with Maximilian Staack and Maurice Beyenbach Flexible working, work-life balance & Co. are…
World Cleanup Day – HANSE Consulting and Grant Thornton have cleared the air!
The littering of our environment is becoming more and more dramatic and is a growing…
HANSE Consulting and Grant Thornton continue to grow together
HANSE Consulting and Grant Thornton will be jointly available for you at the Düsseldorf location…
Project story: More sales success through customer-focused sales management
Sales success and customer orientation are the basis of every entrepreneurial activity. This becomes particularly…
Project story: Risk reduction and loss prevention through improved group controlling
Internationally operating companies usually have foreign subsidiaries and investments for sales, manufacturing and service. The…
Electromobility – Transformation of an automotive supplier
The permanent change of the markets forces companies to constantly adapt. If companies do not…