
We create transparency about the degree of digitization of your company and accompany you until successful digital transformation.

We have our own managers with many years of experience and can draw on a network of experts in digitization and experienced CDOs, also ad interim via our sister company HANSE Interim, for various issues in special topics.

Step 1

Digitization Quickcheck

How good is the “digital competitiveness” of your company?
With the HANSE Consulting digitalization assessment model, we analyze the current situation and determine the level of digital maturity in a competitive comparison.

Step 1
Step 2

Development of an individual strategy for digitization

In workshops, we jointly develop an individual digitization strategy from the need for action and define a roadmap.

Step 2
Step 3

Potential analysis and derivation of concrete measures

Based on the as-is analysis and the digitization strategy, concrete measures and digitization projects are jointly derived and the associated savings, necessary investments, and costs are estimated.

Step 3
Step 4

Implementation concept and structure

An implementation is only successful if it is well planned and managed. For this, digitization projects must be prioritized and sequenced, the organizational structure and responsibilities must be defined, and targets and implementation controlling must be defined.

Step 4
Step 5

Transformation and change management

If desired, we can accompany the implementation, take over the implementation controlling and support the project teams operationally in the implementation. 

Step 5

Your contacts for the digitization of your company:

Dr. Marcus Engels and Dr. Armin Bratz