Hermann Bettels GmbH & Co. KG – preparation of a remediation report in the field of waste disposal, construction logistics, transport


The Hermann Bettels GmbH & Co. KG consists of various companies in different areas (raw materials, construction/development, waste disposal as well as industrial logistics) with a turnover of meanwhile approx. 140 million EUR and more than 350 employees. Weaknesses in the earning power and the capital situation led to a difficult economic situation in the years before HANSE Consulting was commissioned. Above all, liquidity had deteriorated dramatically before HANSE Consulting was commissioned. The involved credit institutions ordered the preparation of a reorganization expert opinion.

In accordance with our assignment, the restructuring capability and worthiness of the group of companies and all companies to be included were to be examined, and, if necessary, suitable measures for increasing earnings and sustainably securing the company’s existence were to be developed. The investigation was carried out in a 5-week analysis and concept phase in accordance with these objectives. In the course, it became apparent that the essential performance management processes have been and are being sensibly solved so that detailed analyses and planning of measures did not result in a need for change. The audit by HANSE Consulting also convinced the credit institutions of the stable situation in the company and ultimately led to a prolongation of the credit lines and further support for the company. However, the focus for improving processes was on the long-term strategy, planning, and control of the company’s processes.

HANSE Consulting – Holistic approach to reorganization appraisals

Sanierungsgutachten Entsorgung

Your Contact for remediation expertise (not only in the field of waste disposal, construction logistics, and transport) at HANSE Consulting: Stefan Kleiner