Health Check – Performance Improvement – Crespel & Deiters – Food

The core business of Crespel & Deiters is the processing of wheat flour into starch and gluten as well as the refining of starch into ready-made adhesives for the corrugated board industry and is the market leader in this niche. The company generates sales of around EUR 100 million with 180 employees. This is a profitable company that “wants to make provisions today in case tomorrow brings hard times.” HANSE Consulting was commissioned with a health check. The aim was to identify the potential for increasing earnings. In our core competence Performance Improvement, this is exactly the strength of HANSE Consulting.
In an 8-week analysis and concept phase, in accordance with the above objectives, the Health Check examined, among other things, the extent to which the topics of holistic SMART project management, further development and integration of the existing controlling and commercial management instruments, further development of the leadership skills of managers, and process and process value analyses show potential for improvement.
HANSE Consulting was able to present numerous starting points for implementation projects:
- Establishment of “trade controlling” incl. early warning system and position matching,
- Goal: Management of trade and production results
- Implementation of SMEA processes (SMEA = Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)
- Reduction of material costs/prices, review of supplier portfolio and contract design
HANSE Consulting: Ideas to increase earnings – Health Check even in good times