HANSE interview with Maximilian Staack and Maurice Beyenbach
Flexible working, work-life balance & Co. are the be-all and end-all – you hear and read this at every corner. After all, everyone has one nowadays, because that’s part of it.
We see it that way, too.
So the crucial question is, what makes working in a company special? Why is it so good at HANSE Consulting of all places? We asked two people who should know, Maximilian Staack and Maurice Beyenbach.
What do you see as the greatest benefit at HANSE Consulting?
Both started at HANSE Consulting as interns during their studies, then were asked if they could imagine staying at HANSE as working students.
In the meantime, both have completed their master’s degree and are working as a consultant (Maurice Beyenbach) and senior consultant (Maximilian Staack).
Max and Maurice have made a career at HANSE Consulting – from intern to consultant!
If you want to see the whole success story of Max and Maurice, watch the whole video.
Are you interested in the benefits at HANSE Consulting? Join the team!
Apply as an intern. Who knows, maybe we can soon tell you about your success story.
We are currently looking for interns starting February 2023.
HANSE Consulting success story! From intern to senior consultant.
The whole story!
We at HANSE Consulting are very happy that Max and Maurice like it so much with us and asked what the reason is.

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What is the biggest benefit at HANSE Consulting?
HANSE interview with Maximilian Staack and Maurice Beyenbach Flexible working, work-life balance & Co. are…