How good are your processes? Where is process optimization necessary?

- Process optimization includes methods such as Kaizen or Six Sigma, lean management, process value analysis and much more.
- The goal of process optimization is always to increase quality, avoid errors, save resources and reduce costs. The basics always include methods for critical examination of existing processes and interfaces.
- Do your business processes run “out of round” in individual areas of your company? Are deadlines not being met because of this, is quality suffering or is a lot of effort and costs being incurred because of this?
- Take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization – in the production area as well as in administration and sales.
- If you see optimization potential in your company, then HANSE Consulting is the partner at your side.
We analyze processes and show you potential savings
- Process Value Analysis (PVA)
- Lean management and value stream mapping
- Implement ERP systems
- Analyze web presence and live process optimization in B2B as well as B2C – HANSE Consulting is there for you!

Example Process Value Analysis (PVA)
Cost drivers are identified and form the starting point for further analyses and the development of measures. Productivity increases of > 10 % are generally achievable.

The results of a PVA include:
- Assessment of the adequacy of staffing levels
- Matching with required capacity
- Reduction of non-value adding activities
- Optimization of IT process support
- Determination of process costs
- Impact of changes in product range or sales