“Success comes only to those who do something while waiting for success.”
Thomas Alva Edison
Success brings joy! But what happens when success wanes?
Then it’s time for Performance Improvement!
Earnings improvement
Your earnings are good, but you want to do better, or your competitor is achieving a better return than you? Every company has untapped earnings potential. Discover with us where they lie and increase your profit sustainably!
Value appreciation
Do you want to sustainably increase the market value of your company or make the company fit for sale?
We sustainably increase your return on investment and reduce working capital through customized revenue enhancement concepts.
Increase the value of your company!

Safeguarding the future
Volatility is the new norm, adaptability the success factor of the future – how well is your company protected against market downturns? We identify and reduce the vulnerable points in your company. Make your company “seaworthy”!
Performance Improvement – Success with HANSE Consulting
Yield potential +75%

“Companies are aware of some of the existing revenue enhancement potential – but significant additional potential is only uncovered by external specialists.”
In most of the Performance Improvement projects carried out by HANSE Consulting, we have been able to more than double the originally known earnings increase potential
(> +100 %); an increase in earnings of more than +75 % could almost always be achieved.
Implementation time -75

“Day-to-day business and scarce resources often prevent the rapid realization of potential.”
The streamlined SMART implementation management and the experienced senior consultants from HANSE Consulting significantly shorten the time to complete the implementation of measures – without excessively tying up resources from the operational business.