Plausibility check of the strategy of a company in the food industry – strategy and planning – hand in hand with HANSE Consulting

The total turnover of the companies included in the HANSE Consulting assignment amounted to just under EUR 44 million. Significant changes in the development of the Vogeley group of companies (including the takeover of a company into the group, the partial relocation of production, changes within the management) made it necessary to revise the plausibility of the strategy and to revise and detail the corporate planning for the following years.
In a 6-week analysis and concept phase, the analysis and assessment of the net assets, financial position, and results of operations, the performance of an earnings generation analysis, and an analysis of the market and competitive developments in the most important target markets were carried out in accordance with the above objectives. In particular, customer groups and product groups were also analyzed with regard to future market opportunities and potential, both in terms of volume and margin development, and conceptual approaches already available in the company were assessed along with possible growth and earnings potential to be tapped.