Ertragssteigerungskonzept – Hesse Metallbau GmbH
Performance Improvement in der Metallverarbeitung

The Hesse group of companies consisted of three legally independent companies with a total turnover of just under DM 18 million and 140 employees. It mainly develops, manufactures, and sells precision punching tools for the packaging industry and the paper processing industry. The market situation was considered to be very difficult due to fierce price competition that had been going on for quite some time; apart from price, delivery time is the main critical success factor in the market. Two companies together have comparatively high structural costs due to the distribution over two locations and low utilization of the high-quality machinery. In a 6-7 week analysis and concept phase, an earnings enhancement concept was to be implemented to achieve a sustainable improvement in the earnings power of the Hesse group of companies and to optimize and secure financing in the long term.
In the project, the financial situation of the individual companies was determined, including the profit and loss contributions of the individual service areas and products, as well as a scenario analysis of the profit and performance improvement of the individual companies / the group of companies. In the process, suggestions were made for improving the business management instruments and designing a suitable controlling tool.
HANSE Consulting made clear recommendations for improving the results and performance of the group of companies as well as the individual companies and developed a viable financing concept for the group of companies.
Performance Improvement is our specialty – if you too would like to improve your company’s results and increase your earnings, please contact us!
Your contact person at HANSE Consulting: Dr. Marcus Engels