Auf ein Alt mit...

Podcast talk “Auf ein Alt mit Andreas Lau” by the Wirtschaftsjunioren Düsseldorf

Why actually and how? – That could have been the title of the podcast talk. But we also find the title “Auf ein Alt mit…” much more charming.

The Wirtschaftsjunioren Düsseldorf invited our HANSE Interim Managing Director Andreas Lau to the podcast talk “Auf ein Alt mit…”. We gladly accepted this invitation and took the opportunity to invite to a cozy fireside evening in our premises. In addition to the obligatory “Alt” there were culinary delicacies and it became an entertaining, interesting and exciting evening.

Background on how this invitation came about: Andreas Lau has been a member of the “Wirtschaftsjunioren” since 2000 and has been an active supporting member for several years.

The Wirtschaftsjunioren are the first point of contact for young entrepreneurs and (junior) executives in the region who want to network, receive further training and get involved on a voluntary basis. Under the motto “Voice of Young Business”, they organize and host a wide variety of formats – from casual get-togethers and business workshops to major events such as the nationally renowned “PitchParty”.

After some personal questions to Andreas Lau, the actual topic of the podcast followed “What is interesting and worth knowing about interim management and consulting from the everyday life of HANSE Consulting?”.

Especially the core competencies restructuring, revenue enhancement, interim management and M&A were in focus.

The podcast can be heard via Google Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, Deezer, Apple Music

By the way, the podcast episode has the complete title “Vision without action is hallucination – Auf ein Alt mit Andreas Lau”.

Why is that? Listen to our podcast and find out!