Improving organizational performance – leveraging profit potential – Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven GmbH – Shipbuilding

In a fiercely competitive market, Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven GmbH recorded insufficient earnings power and fluctuating capacity utilization, which was exacerbated by a wide range of its own value-added per order. Moreover, the transparency of earnings generation was defined as insufficient. Accordingly, the causes of the earnings weakness could only be suspected, but not proven. A performance improvement of the organization was urgently needed.
The task of HANSE Consulting consequently included the identification of performance improvement potentials as well as the improvement of processes and productivity. In addition, came the:
- Concept development for a cross-shipyard profit center organization (focus on definition of task distribution and control instruments) and
- Development of a proposal for the further development of the company structures.
During the approx. 8-week analysis and concept phase, structured interviews were conducted with employees, workshops were held on improvement potential and approaches, and the development and analysis of key figures were driven forward. Subsequently, the trades were converted into profit/cost centers or spun off, and the responsibility and competence of the trades were gradually expanded. The prerequisites for this and accompanying measures were designed by HANSE Consulting together with the management and employees of Lloyd Werft.
Increasing performance and leveraging profit potential is one of our core competencies. Feel free to contact us!
Our sister company HANSE Interim has also designed interesting projects in the shipbuilding sector – read our article here: Cruise ship in distress! Financier in distress? An interim expert shipping provides security.
Your contact person at HANSE Consulting: Dr. Armin Bratz