Consulting – still a
matter between people
Hence, success depends on the quality of the relationship between the consultants and the consulted. A good relationship between them is the basis for success. That is why trust and respect are so important to us. Respect for the entrepreneurial performance and the values that have been and will be created. Especially when things don’t go well.
Of course, other ingredients must also be added for successful consulting: Experience, expertise, commitment – to name just a few. Consulting then becomes productive and dynamic by working and tackling the challenges that entrepreneurs face time and again together.

Turnaround management. With experience and passion.
What’s new? Our current topics:
Project Story: Organize, Modernize And Digitalize Controlling Processes
HANSE Consulting creates efficient controlling processes and frees up resources The initial situation The esteemed and dedicated head of accounting for a group of companies in metal manufacturing, with the…
Increased interest rate level threatens earnings opportunities of property developers
Sensitivity analysis quantifies risks Increased interest rates threaten earnings opportunities in the real estate industry, including those of property developers – our sensitivity analysis quantifies the risks. Further increases in…
What is the biggest benefit at HANSE Consulting?
HANSE interview with Maximilian Staack and Maurice Beyenbach Flexible working, work-life balance & Co. are the be-all and end-all – you hear and read this at every corner. After all,…
World Cleanup Day – HANSE Consulting and Grant Thornton have cleared the air!
The littering of our environment is becoming more and more dramatic and is a growing problem locally and globally, not least for the health of humans, animals and plants –…